Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Anxiety at its Best

Sensational sensation,
Removing frustration,
No more stress,
It's pure liberation...

Got on my knees and prayed real hard,
So much damage left my brain in scars,

Removing the stain,
When you washed my brain,
Never thought that I would be the same..

Same as you,
Not like me,
Not the you i tried to be,

Not like she,
But, like them,
Play the fool all over again.

Mama called the Dr.,
The Dr. called the nurse,
10 minutes later beeps the horn from a hearse,

Out came the jester,
Joking from behind,
Corrupt clergyman just did his time,

He said fear not,
For you have sinned,
Make sure you don't get caught again.

H@ly shit,
What the f*ck,
Ain't no hope,
Now I'm truly stuck,

How this happened?
What I done?
Reaching for bullets,
Without a gun,

It's a case of pure delusion,
Mind plays trick's and caused confusion,

Get your sh*t together,
Or you wind up losing,

Times up,
Outta luck,


Friday, December 22, 2017

skillZ that Kill

Willfully full of will,

As I craft and groom my skill

I kill...

...the slumber of the weak,

Awaken by their strength,

Brought down by those who peeped it,

And went to great lengths,...

To discourage the strong, using their humility,

Ego of the mighty,

Portray innocents like virginity,

Listen to me,

One can turn it into a gem,

Mind twerk psychosis,

generate from the stroke of a pen.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Chasin' fairytales of old love stories,
Wishin' and hopin' some day they'll come true,
Try to recoup what's left of memories,
Predictin' a false future with you...

Sincerely,  it's eerily, merely an inquiry,
To see if you feel like I do,
Takin' a chance on continued romance,
Wait to see if you come thru...

Monday, December 18, 2017

Workin' Class

How can I be broke, but have enough money,
Not have enough but, just barely make it,
Barely make it, and paid bills,
Barely paid bills, because I barely made it,

Paycheck, to paycheck...

More like,
Paycheck, take half, save and apply it to the next paycheck,
Cut that payment in half, to pay that bill, until the next,


Had enough of this sick carnival ride,
Corporate genocide, glorified slaves in the free world,

Afraid that my card will be declined,
If the change I thought I had, was spent on gas instead,
To get to the store, to buy food I may not have enough for,

When will working become pleasurable in so-called family-oriented companies,

Who cares about your families,
And pay you what your worth,
Treat you like your family, not expendable,

Appreciate long hours, instead of acting like your taking their money...

Like you want to be there instead of doing homework with your babies,
Missing that PTA meeting, because there's work to be done,
Showing up on Saturday,
When the bosses sleep in and enjoy the day.

Is it my fault that I don't have a plan,
Didn't know what it entailed, or why it made a difference,
Didn't know that I mattered until I realized this life isn't for me,
Potentially, CEO of my own family-oriented company,

Make hard work look easy and desirably comfortable,
Bustin' ass side by side with those whom I employed.
We're all appreciated and can't do this thing without you,
Let me show my appreciation, buy showing my gratitude.

I'll show up on Saturday, with breakfast for my crew,
Offer overtime, if times are tough for you,
I'll understand you family emergencies,
And offer my assistance to help support your needs.

That day hasn't come, but I'm certain it will,
Employment for spots I need to fill,
In my company I'll hope you'll agree,
That the struggle is over, my offer to society.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

MeMberin' gooD times!

Old school happened when I heard a song..
Launched back in time when the room smelled like potpourri and skunk,
Drinkin' malt liquor...

Tryin' to be grown, in a world where they use to throw stems and seeds from the bag you just grabbed, waiting for "18" to come back with the papers...

Old school happened when,

I thought about old friends, who listened to that same song, singing cuz the beats strong, chillin cuz it wasn't wrong, friends cuz we life long..

All grown up and scattered through time,
Relocate for career and family in mind,
If you still smoke it's cuz you got the medical card,
Or occasional toke when you trim the yard..

Maybe you're enlightened on religious thangs, pray and meditate for a positive change,
Take care of self both spiritual and mental,
Humble prostration, nod your head to the tempo,

I hope your in good health without the battle of odds,
Or locked up for any reason cuz your freedom's your all.

In short, I thought about all of us,

When I took a trip down memory lane.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

GOD help ME

What do i do when i can't HEAr the AnswerS,
To questions, that God only knoWs?
Why is the question,
Because of a question,
Result in my questioning flow...

RoaMing and seeking,
Dissecting the thoughts, collectin way back in my MinD,

I look in the mirror and see my reflection,
Of answers that i left behind,

Confronted reminders,
On familiar ponders,
Solutions resurface again,
The AnswerS I'm seeking,
Are words not for speaking,

But fasting and praying instead!

ONly Human, DuDe!

Sickening thoughts churn my stomach in knots tied up against their will...

Breathing in fog as i gasp for air, none to spare, my shallow panting won't make room...

Cold body, sweaty armpits, cool my uncomfortable skin...

Shallow thinking, deep in thought, contemplating on how to begin...

Bewildered soul, confused conscious refutes accusations of doubt...

Confronted by demeaning words, hold back to what wants to come out...

Humble disposition, family tradition of choosing ones words carefully...

Peering down the spiral of emotion will keep me extremely disturbed...

Balancing choices and weighing options,
To keep self from going insane...

When it's all over, remember I'm human and make mistakes unconsciously...

When its your turn to feel like an asshole,
Remember your response to me.