Thursday, January 28, 2016

Collage of distractions

Inspired by thoughts, day dreams and fantasies,
Creating clever scenarios,
Full of surprises and shit,

Nah, just said it cuz it rhymed,

Meanwhile, as the colors form in my head,
Muse has no excuses for being unpredictable,
Obtuse and isosceles while riding the elliptical,

Fallow me down the road of clarity and get lost,
Coin toss, in the moss atop a slippery slope,
Cope, with the thought that I'm high,
But I'm not on dope,

Rope, hanging from trees,
Attached to a tire,
Swinging so high till I touch the eye,

Of the man on the moon, or how bout, Gemini,

To our surprise this was an illusion of,
Dilution surrounded by confusion,
Protrusion of utter chaos,
Underneath the wreath of feathers,
Placed upon my head,

It's a picture of the type of shit,
Goin  on within my nappy head.

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