Monday, May 11, 2015

Complainin' DON't stop

There was a man,

Whose shadow left,

Cuz he complained,

About the haze,

The rain had left behind,

With a dull scenery,

And pale muted sunshine.

Glowing softly,

Bouncin off trees,

Made shadows appear,


Both solid and fluid figures,

Like buildings and sodas,

And children playin red rova'.

Come ova blue, green and yellow,

Observes the angry fellow,

As he bellows,

Bout the thick humidity,

Sweat drippin profusely,

"I wish this stuff would go away,

and not come back a different day",

Not knowin what this day has brought,

Blooming flowers and sidewalk chalk,

The cold is gone,

Thankful for heat,


He couldn't see,

His cures of negativity,

Concerned the them bout his misery,

He Chased away gladness when they rejoiced,

This bitter mans shadow had no choice,

His shadow vanished out of sight,

Like vampires with no reflections,

Angry man was bitter still

Cuz now there's no protection,

From rays through haze glow muted sun,

Cast its light upon him,

Vulnerable brother without any barriers,

Made his situation more scarier,

None wanted to come near him,

Not because they feared him,

But upon him fell the wrath of,

The One who lights the guided path,

Giving life a midst the shade,

Dew drop petals sprout grasses blades,

A blessing in disguise as such,

This brother just complained too much,

Shadow left, without a doubt,

He burned in sun-ful, shadeless drought

*the insignificant is significant just as the undesirable is desired so complain less and observe more*

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